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Glorix bleek original 750ml
Glorix original bleach guarantees long-lasting, active protection against limescale and unhygienic dirt.
Use Glorix original bleach for 100% hygienic cleaning
Glorix extended power is the new generation of descaling bleach
Up to 3x longer protection against limescale
The formula actively protects the toilet, even after flushing
Additional information
Glorix original bleach is the ideal detergent for hygienic cleaning of your toilet and other sanitary ware. The bleach makes everything 100% hygienically clean. Glorix extended power is a new generation of bleach with anti-scaling ingredients, which are even active under water. The new patented formula of Glorix original bleach removes stains and fights limescale up to 3x longer: compared to previous formulations. The bleach adheres optimally, for active protection of your toilet. You can use Glorix original bleach daily, for continuous hygiene. The packaging is easy to use, ensuring a clean and hygienic toilet every time. Spray Glorix original bleach daily under the toilet rim and let the product act for 15 minutes to remove unhygienic dirt and stains. Spray the product down the kitchen/bathroom drain to clean it and stop unpleasant odours. Leave it on for 2-3 minutes, then rinse well with water. To clean your bathroom and toilet plumbing, use 60 ml of Glorix original bleach to 5 l of water (1 cap = 15 ml). Soak for a few moments and then rinse. Always use a plastic bucket. Suitable for use in septic tanks (20 ml). Use bleach in combination with other Glorix cleaning products for optimal results. Good hygiene in the home is very important. Glorix has been an expert in hygiene for almost 100 years. Dirt lurks everywhere and you don't always feel like fighting it. Yet you need to vigorously fight the visible and invisible enemy of hygiene. Neglecting plumbing will result in it becoming full of bacteria, stains and unpleasant odours. As an expert in hygiene, Glorix is always there for you to prevent this from happening.